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Government Of Assam Health & Family Welfare Directorate of AYUSH

National AYUSH Mission Assam

  • Background

    The Ministry of AYUSH, GOI has launched the National AYUSH Mission in the month of September, 2014 to address the gap in the Health services by providing AYUSH Health Services/ Education throughout the length and breadth of the country. Under NAM special focus is to be given for improvement of --->



    • Providing cost effective AYUSH services.
    • Co-location of AYUSH facilities at PHC, CHC and DH.
    • Up-gradation of state pharmacies, drug testing facilities etc
    • Supporting medicinal plants cultivation and adopting GAP to provide good quality raw material
    • Providing marketing and development entrepreneurs and setting up of warehouses and promotion of cluster cultivation


    1. AYUSH Health Care Services
    2. AYUSH Educational Services
    3. Quality Control of ASU&H Drugs
    4. Medicinal Plants


    1. AYUSH wellness centres
    2. Telemedicine
    3. Sports medicine
    4. Innovation in AYUSH through PPP
    5. Interest subsidies components to private AYUSH educational institutions
    6. Reimbursement of testing charges
    7. IEC materials
    8. R&D related to medicinal plants
    9. Project based voluntary certification schemes
    10. Market promotion, market Intelligence and buy back intervention
    11. Crop insurance for medicinal plants

    National Level Mission Mechanism

    State Level Mission Mechanism



    Govt. Notification HLB.491/2014/312 dated 4th Nov, 2015

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    Sl. NoStatusDesignation
    1.ChairpersonChief Secretary to the Govt. of Assam.
    2.Member SecretarySenior Most Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Health & F.W. Deptt
    3.MemberSecretary to the Govt. of Assam, Health & F.W. Deptt.
    4.MemberPrincipal Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Finance Deptt.
    5.MemberPrincipal Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Planning & Dev. Deptt.
    6.MemberPrincipal Secretary to the Govt. of Assam , Forests Deptt.
    7.MemberMission Director, NHM, Assam
    8.MemberDirector of AYUSH, Assam.
    9.MemberNodal Officer, State Medicinal Plants Board, Assam.
    10.MemberState ASU &H Drug Licensing Authority, Assam

    EB, SAS

    Govt. Notification HLB.491/2014/312 dated 4th Nov, 2015

    Swipe to view
    Sl. NoStatusDesignation
    1.ChairpersonSenior Most Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Health & F.W. Deptt.
    2.Vice-ChairpersonSecretary to the Govt. of Assam ,Health & F.W. Deptt
    3.Member SecretaryDirector of AYUSH, Assam.
    4.MemberMD, NHM, Assam.
    5.MemberRepresentative of State Finance/P&D Department, Assam.
    6.MemberRepresentatives of Forest & Horticulture Department, Assam.
    7.MemberNodal Officer, State Medicinal Plants Board, Assam.
    8.MemberASU &H State Licensing Authority, Assam.
    9.MemberSenior Technical officers dealing with AYUSH and Medicinal Plants
    10.MemberState AYUSH Programme Manager, Assam.