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Government Of Assam Health & Family Welfare Directorate of AYUSH

Council of Indian Medicine


To be an excellent regulatory body which guide, develop and sustain a network of 'Institutions of Excellence' in education meeting the national needs for global trends and to regulate the practice of Indian System of Medicine.


To establish, guide, develop and sustain through resource allocation, good governance and management, dedicated to the maintenance of standards and quality of academic study programmes and practice of Indian System of Medicine to national as well as global needs.

Website : www.ccimindia.org

Indian Medicine:
  1. Ayurdeda:

    Ayurveda means "the science of life" (ayur means "life" and veda means "science" in Sanskrit).

    Ayurveda is a discipline of the upaveda or "auxiliary knowledge" in Vedic tradition. Ayurveda has its prime origin from Atharva-Veda and apart as a supplement of the Rig-Veda. Dhanvantari is worshipped as the God of Ayurveda. The aim of this system is to prevent illness¸ heal the sick and preserve life. The Ayurveda has its origins from the India and extended its wings in various parts of the world.

    Ayurveda was taught in Gurukula system in ancient days, which is now been evolved in to under graduate & post graduate courses from Institutions.

  2. Unani:

    Unani-tibb or Unani Medicine also spelled Yunani Medicine (Arabic, Hindustani, Pashto and Persian) is a form of traditional medicine practiced in middle-east & south-Asian countries. It refers to a tradition of Graeco-Arabic medicine, which is based on the teachings of Greek physician Hippocrates and Roman physician Galen, and developed into an elaborate medical system in middle age era by Arabian and Persian physicians, such as Rhazes (al-Razi), Avicenna (Ibn Sena), Al-Zahrawi, and Ibn Nafis. Unani medicine first arrived in India around 12th or 13th century with establishment of Delhi Sultanate (1206–1527) and Islamic rule over North India and subsequently flourished under Mughal Empire. An outstanding physician and scholar of Unani Medicine, Hakim Ajmal Khan (1868 – 1927) championed the cause of the Unani system in India. The Unani System of Medicine is included in the Central Council of Indian Medicine as per IMCC, Act 1970.

  3. Siddha:

    "Siddhargal" or Siddhars were the premier scientists of ancient days. Siddhars, mainly from Southern India, in the state of Tamil Nadu laid the foundation for Siddha system of medicine.

    Siddhars were spiritual adepts who possessed the ashta siddhis. Agastyar or Agasthya, is believed to be the founding father of Siddha Medicine. Eighteen Siddhars are considered to be important in the Siddha Medicine. Siddha medicine is claimed to revitalize and rejuvenate dysfunctional organs that cause the disease and to maintain the ratio of Dosha. Kayakarpam (special combination of medicine and life style) and Muppu (the universal Salt) are speciality of Siddha system of medicine.

  4. Sowa Rigpa:

    Sowa Rigpa is a centuries-old traditional medical system that employs a complex approach to diagnosis, incorporating techniques such as pulse analysis and urinalysis, and utilizes behaviour and dietary modification, medicines composed of natural materials (e.g., herbs and minerals) and physical therapies to treat illness.

    The Four Tantras (Gyushi, rGyu-bzhi) are native Tibetan texts incorporating Indian, Chinese and Greco-Arab medical systems. The Four Tantras is the common name for the text of the Secret Tantra Instruction on the Eight Branches, the Immortality Elixir essence. The four Tantras are as follows, Root Tantra - Exegetical Tantra - Instructional Tantra - Subsequent Tantra Although there is clear written instruction in the Four Tantra, the oral transmission of medical knowledge still remained a strong element in ibetan Medicine.

    The Sowa Rigpa System of Medicine is included in the Central Council of Indian Medicine from the year 2012 as per Gazette Notification No. 2345 dated 16.12.2011.